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Sunday, 17 April 2011

My beautiful curly hair

Up to my mid twenties, I had nice, thick, long, curly hair. Washing and brushing my hair was a bit of an ordeal as it used to take ages because of its thickness. However, I was often complimented with people often reaching out to touch my hair.

But I took it for granted. I would shower using very hot water, wasn’t careful with brushing but was very harsh, would not use any heat protector when drying it on the highest heat, and as for hair treatments, that was joke to me. Somehow, I had it in my head that my hair would never change, even with all that abuse.

But then it all started to go wrong. To my dismay, it started falling out and got very thin, so much so that I could now see my scalp, and as for the curls, they seemed to have just run away. Oh how I wished I’d taken care of my lovely locks.

Now, I’m doing what I was supposed to have been doing for all those years and I have seen some improvement but I’m pretty sure I’ll never get back what I had.

This is the sad reality of many with various things in life. We don’t appreciate what we have until we lose it, and therefore don’t invest any time or effort in caring or maintaining it. This could lead to a lot of regrets and even terrible guilt. Here are a few examples:

Your family – Kids, make the most of living at home with your parents. Learn from them, be close to them, they do everything for you so appreciate them. Parents, your children will grow up really fast. Make sure you spend quality time with them because it won’t be long until they will be moving out and starting a family of their own.

Your marriage – Don’t waste time with silly pride and arguments. Enjoy one another. Invest in your relationship. Have fun.

Your health – Your body is precious. Don’t abuse it by eating whatever you want and not exercising just because you feel okay now. It won’t be long before it starts breaking down and then you’ll be wasting time running around trying to get solutions to your health problems.

Your finances – Don’t just spend, spend, spend without thinking about tomorrow. Spend wisely and on what is necessary. Don’t waste things, especially food. Buy what you need and use up leftovers. By all means treat yourself whenever you can. You should always put a bit aside for a rainy day or for when something important comes up.

Always think ahead.


  1. Everything you said is so true Ms Cris! I know I'm guilty on the exercise bit. But will really change.

  2. Thank you Mrs Tania for the post it really touch my heart and I know that the most important thing I have to take care of everything that God has put into my hands.


  3. Thanks for these tips! its a very good point you made about us also appreciating what we have and not waiting until its too late to realise.

  4. Very interesting article Mrs Chris and very true. One thing that these 21 days have taught me is the the importance of investing in my spiritual life and not leaving things for tomorrow, when they can be done today.

  5. YOu know I have beautiful curls and I take care of them properly. Every time I wash my head I put Pantene hydrant cream - every other day, sorry if that's unhygienic for you, but curly hair women are not supposed to wash it everyday otherwise, they will lose the grease that make their hair naturally curly. I also put a shampoo and a conditioner BOTH for curly hair.

    Anyway, that's the physical part. What is most important is to also take care of our inner part, the relationship we have with God. I made a committment with Him, during these coming 3 weeks, I'll do the same of not watching TV, or checking the internet for secular things, except for UCKG's webs while I prepare for my finals at school. I just do not want to focus too much in college - since pretty much that's all what I'll do for these coming weeks - and lose my relationship with God. When I drive my car, instead of listening to music, I pray. Whenever I walk to go to college, I pray. I want to keep the same connection I undeservedly earned through the Holy Spirit during this campaign while I prepare for my dreary finals.

  6. Brilliant post Mrs Cris thanks for sharing

  7. I love, love, love this blog post. This applies to everyone because there's always something that we tend to neglect in life. What you mentioned about my health really struck a cord in me. Mrs C, I am going to start exercising and being healthy. Not tomorrow but today because it's true. everything may be alright now but I can only guarantee that things will still be okay later if I do some investing now. Makes sense to me. Thanks!

  8. In life theres always things that we take for granted because we think its always going to be there things will never change they will main the same and ect..and the thing is the things we take it for granted when we loose or it goes we always wished we never took it for granted.That goes especially for this purpose of the 21 days this something i personally shouldnt take for granted the fact that it's come back again it's not something that will always be there and its up to me to grab this oppourtunity with God and make the most of it and see how God will honour me as i do my part.
