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Monday 27 May 2013

Why me? Depression and panic attacks

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chrissy ...really enjoyed your honest and candid story about your past experience of depression.

    You're so right, unless you've had a taste of it you cannot imagine or understand the numbness, sadness, hopelessness of continuing to live ...yes suicide feels like a good idea at the time.

    I'm so glad you found a solution a few years back (and its not returned).
    And you're spot on, the first step to recovery is ...BELIEVING that you can (amazing).

    Just wanted to say thank you, this video will inspire a lot of people experiencing or supporting a loved one with depression & anxiety to get professional help. I practice CBT therapy and the power of belief and thoughts are it's foundation.

    x Joy @
    PS: found your info via Alexia L
