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Monday 25 February 2013

"I'm so fat!"

“I’m so fat! Look at the size of my stomach!” I complained to my friend as I opened a tin full of chocolates I’d bought the day before. “I’ve put on so much weight and my clothes feel horrible.” “Well, you should put that tin away for starters Chris.” “But I need something sweet. I've been looking forward to it!”
And on and on I went complaining about how much weight I’d put on but not taking any sort of initiative to do anything about it. I’m not a person to let things get too out of hand, but for some reason, I couldn’t get myself motivated to shift the pounds I’d put on. I would attempt to add exercise to my already hectic routine, I would manage a workout or two that week and then fall back into running around and working like crazy. In the meantime, my clothes were getting tighter and tighter and I was feeling more and more disappointed with myself… until I had enough. I had to stop complaining and feeling sorry for myself and do something about it.

I’ve always been a healthy eater but I do love my daily sweet treats whether that be a chocolate bar, a slice of yummy cake or a delicious dessert. But these things were not helping me at all. “Right!” I said to my friend. “Tomorrow, I’m going to start cutting down. I announced on Twitter that I wanted to lose a stone so it was public and decided that I was going to make time for exercise.

I mentioned my goal to our resident fitness expert on the Chrissy B Show Jane Wrafter of JCW Fitness and bless her, she offered to help me straight away. It’s funny how when we decide to do something, things start happening and help seems to come unexpectedly. One month on, I’ve lost a few pounds and I’m feeling great. I still have a little way to go and I’m determined to get there.

The thing is, we can waste A LOT of time just complaining about a problem or situation and as long as we’re doing that, we are wasting time on how to work out what to do about it. Apply this to any area of your life and you will find yourself having the time to put together a plan of action rather than boring people to death with your woes.

Find below two videos: the first one is when I first started the challenge and the advice Jane gave me (which you might want to follow too if you need to lose some weight) and the second video is my progress and more great advice that Jane gave me. P.S. I lost a bit more weight since the 2nd video.
So. enough of complaining. Let's just get on with it!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Mrs. Chris. Since I was young, I have always struggled with my weight. The videos were very helpful.

    I was also advised not to eat after 6pm. I had the same problem by eating late at night and since cutting that out, I have seen progress in losing those stuborn pounds and I actually weigh less now than I have ever done in my whole life.

    When we see positive results like this, it motivates us to go further doesn't it? x
