My parents did everything for my sister and I. They worked really hard as clothes makers and I always woke up to the sounds of noisy sewing machines, as they worked from home. Working from home? ‘Nice’ you might think. Only, they used to start at 6am, would take just a half hour break to have lunch and then work through until around 8, sometimes 9 at night, 6 days a week, all so that my sister and I would lack nothing. I often saw them nursing their sore and aching bodies.
As soon as my mum finished work, she was straight in the kitchen to cook a good hearty meal for all of us which we sat and ate together. Our fridge was always full to bursting with all the best food, we never lacked clothes, whatever we needed for school we had, they didn’t miss a single parents evening, they paid for extra private tuition for both of us, put us both through college and university, paid for our driving lessons and tests, holidays, took us to all our appointments, you name it, they did it. They also started building a house each for us in Cyprus. But it wasn’t just the physical things they did. They also showered us with love and affection, told us they loved us every day, and were just amazing parents and we had a great and fun time at home.
All they asked from us was to help out with the housework and cooking and go shopping for them every week. And yet, I often did these things grudgingly, just because I couldn’t be bothered. I didn’t understand or appreciate the sacrifices they made for us. I can’t believe how utterly selfish and lazy I was, not wanting to lift a finger to do anything. I would help, but always complained. My bedroom was always a mess, when it was time to wash up or clean, I would often disappear upstairs and if my mum asked where I was, I was always ‘not feeling well’. And so, exhausted, she would be there with my sister or sometimes all alone till late, finishing off in the kitchen. No wonder she would always fall asleep in front of the TV. I have tears in my eyes as I write this.
As a teenager, I thought I had the right to call my mum stupid, tell her to shut up and shout at her.
I had a year’s work experience when I was at university and was getting £600 per month after taxes. With no bills or rent to pay, that was a lot of money. Did I offer anything to my parents, or buy them anything extra special? No, I spent it all on myself and saved some for exotic holidays. They didn’t ask for a penny from me.
Thank goodness, I have completely changed over the years. The selfish, unappreciative, lazy Chris is gone but how I wish I could turn back the clock and do things differently.
So please, if you are reading this:
Help your parents out around the house with joy
Cook for them
Go shopping for them
Don’t answer them back, argue or shout at them
Work hard at school and make them proud
If you can, help them out with bills and buy them gifts
Do whatever you can for them
I’ve apologised to my mum so many times for the past, but the funny thing is, she can’t remember half the things and says that I was a good daughter. What good eyes she had. The other day, something happened between us and she thought I would be really upset, but of course, I wasn’t and she started crying and said, ‘I don’t deserve such a good daughter like you.’ While I was comforting her, I was thinking, ‘No mum, it’s me that doesn’t deserve you…’
Eye opening.
ReplyDeleteAt times I don't even realise when I am disrespecting my parents, but then I try and do things around the house and help with my sisters despite the fact at times I really don't want to. Now and again I think of the sacrifices that my mother made for me, the hardships she went through when divorcing my biological father and I can't help but want to do everything I can to make her proud.
The love I have fod God is above all, but in His word He tells us to honour our father and mother abd this what I will always try to do.
Sorry about the mistakes in the last post.
ReplyDeleteYes, sometimes we cannot see, we are blinded by our own selfishness. Let's do more for those we love. God honors those who honor their parents.
ReplyDeleteMrs Cris, this is such a beautiful story because it is so true. In hindsight, there are so many things that we would change, but praise God that it is not too late for us to start showing love and appreciation to our parents and those we love.
ReplyDeleteAlthough my mum can be moody at times lol there is now way I can say that she wasnt there for me. Okay maybe she wasnt at parents evenings and I never always had what I wanted it was because she was not only being a mum to me, she was also being there for my brothers too. At first I failed to realise this! Not many people have the courgage and strength to what my mum does so for that I must be grateful!