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Saturday, 2 January 2010

The reason she'd made that list...

I saw the beginning of a game show recently where the contestant was being interviewed and said something quite interesting to the host. She said that she had a list of everything that she wanted to do before she died, and she had already achieved 20 of them.

Her list included personal desires such as visiting certain parts of the world, swimming with sharks, things like that. I thought it was really good that a person would make such a list, showing that she had goals and things that she wanted to achieve. But then came a revelation. She said she had a brain tumour. So basically, the only reason she had made this list was because she didn't know when she was going to die but knew that it would probably be sooner rather than later.

I found it sad that many people only seem to get ambitious when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and so they try to achieve all their dreams in the little time they have left. But think with me here. Do any of us really know how much longer we will be on this earth? No one does. Who knows, we could have less time than this woman has. And if you really think about it, even a longer-than-average lifetime isn't that long at all! So what are we waiting for? Why not make plans for the future and set goals? Instead of having just a 'wish list' how about a 'Things I will definitely achieve this year' list?

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Chris,

    You are sooo right.I have my list with small things that I should have done last year and I didn´t (as learnig to drive - :( -), and biggest ones that I am sure I will achieve!

    2010 is already the best year ever!!

    May Gog bless you and your husband as never!
